This section is for me to share things that deserve a greater write-up with my ongoing thoughts, but don’t belong in a full post, while the heading says enjoying, I may share serious articles and news features, I don’t blindly endorse everything I share outright, just reach out if I miss something.
The chasm between her thick eyebrows is tight, her gaze is focused. The hold shifts, and MisSTAR reacts quick to the lurch her opponent gives her forearms in an attempt to break it.
MisSTAR wastes no time: it’s size versus agility, and she refuses to let her stature stop her.
Please help me make it another month. I’m going to have a job by the first of the month, but I’ll need work pants and non-slip shoes. I still have bills I need to pay, and in all likelihood the start of the school year is going to be quite brutal. My Paypal, Venmo, and… Read more: E-Begging Again
A shorter review of Serre, a visual novel created by the same creator as In Stars and Time, accidently in time for Yuri Day!
Site Updates
Update: 8/13/2024 Moved the Link Directory, formally known and Favorite Links tab on the home page to it’s own seperate page.
Expect a massive, somewhere around 50-75 links, update sometime in the next month.
Update: 8/4/2024 Theme Change, Zines Page, Blinkie Gallery, New Zine Out
I haven’t been documenting things extensively, but if it isn’t obvious I’ve been making a lot of site changes. Slowly working on behind the scenes optimization and alt text, adding new pages, etc. I’m very depressed and make these updates happen out of drive to not disappear sometimes
Update: 6/20/2024 RSS Feeds! Eternal WIPS, Changes and Upgrades, A Sudden Roll Back
Lots of minor site changes, and making things just work, colors, notices, optimizations, I’ve added an RSS block so it’s easy to follow my work outside of just this site if you need, I lost some stuff a few days ago but got it rolled back to a satisfactory place, and everything that was lost has been replaced by a better option or what was originally intended to be here.
Update: 5/21/2024 Fanfiction Archive Added To The Site, Blaseball IM, Link Library
Nearly every piece of fanfiction I’ve written, (with exceptions to a few pieces likely stored elsewhere and pieces in projects previously unseen) is on my site, as you can see by the Tag Cloud, we have some work to do providing a better browsing experience and more context, that will all be contained in the Blaseball In Memorium section, which is still a WIP. I’ve also added several dozen new links to the library, please check them out.
Update: 5/16/2024 Favorite Links Page Updated!
Added a lot of new links and resources to browse in the Link Library, I wont always post updates when I’ve added things, but expect a long list. I’m still learning how to use this plug in, so better browse tools will be forthcoming
Update: 5/15/2024 Glitches, Downtime, and Roll Back
The site was down on and off for several weeks due to some strange errors and parsing issues within the editor, the site is back up and running, but it’s rolled back to around the end of April, with the summer being here I intend to add a large amount of updates to the site, stay tuned for those.
How To Support Me
As of right now, I’m a full time student and part time worker, I rely on various forms of government aid, scholarships and loans, along with the additional minimal support from family and loved ones. While this is manageable, it is a tight way to live. With complications of disability and my mental health in particular, there are many things that fall through the cracks.
In my ideal circumstances I would be working full time independently, with enough to support my ongoing health issues and schooling, while being able to pay of things like credit card debt and save for a future after graduation. Much of the professional work I am interested in both within and outside of academic are out of my reach financially and physically at the moment.
With that said, I want to provide a comprehensive place, utilizing this site to establish mutual support connections and opportunities to provide for others both financial and beyond capital, I figure sharing my needs, abilities to provide, and capabilities of mutual exchange, it would encourage others to say what they need, and to have others help out.
Note: For my more money driven efforts, such as commissions or selling physical and digital artwork/writing, that information is hosted on my ko-fi.
Financial Needs
Currently, the cost of my living expenses are manageable, but quite tight. Especially during the end of each semester, costs of basics beyond basic food items (which I receive support for) is quite difficult. Any financial support provided going into my basic needs and bill payments before anything else. Below is the embedded form for this site you can use to support me, note that it goes through stripe, for any and all other financial support, reach out via email, as I understand not everyone can rely on our current card system.
Material Needs
Along the lines of the financial tightness, I moved into my apartment this last July with very little, and as I’ve been making it though the year, I’ve gotten the chance to add more pieces of second hand furniture and things I use to make my apartment more accessible and usable, since the space is quite small. With the general reality that the quality of much of what we buy is declining, and after moving several times, some of the items in my home are quite worn, and affect my disability especially, the list below will contain specific items that would improve my life in various ways, with details as to why.
Ergonomic Desk Chair
I’ve had my desk chair for roughly three and a half years, it’s treated me great, however I’m a bigger person, and at some point, several bolts attaching the arms to the chair snapped inside the chair itself, resulting in the chair not being fully stable to sit in. This chair causes me a lot of back pain now.
Standing Work/Countertop.
My kitchen has exactly 12 inches by 17 inches of workable counter space. It is easily the worst part of my apartment. I need a counter/workbench I can stand or even sit at to cook, prep meals, and use appliances on. I rely on a terrible solution of my work desk at the moment.
Upgraded Internet Router
This item, while seeming almost outrageous, would actually solve several financial and access issues for me. Behind my rent, the internet is the most expensive service I pay for locally, and recently, the federal government in the US failed to pass a law that was supplementing a major chunk of my internet costs. An upgraded internet router would not only save me on hardware rental fees, due to some…limitations of the service provider hardware, I cannot utilize certain networking tools, with a third party router, I would be able to take on several measures of self hosting, finally ridding myself of my reliance on third party storage solutions and saving myself even more in expenses for those services.
Upgraded Walker/Rollator
My rolling walker, rollator, whatever you wish to call it, is second hand. I got it after seeing how much it could help me, but it has it’s quirks, I don’t actually plan on buying a new one! I want to take it to someone who specializes in maintaining and repairing disability equipment, so I can continue to use it at it’s best.
Mattress Pad and Under Bed Slats
My bed isn’t great, I sleep on an okay foam mattress, however these two items would add to my back support, and keeping my bed together, as these thin metal slat beds have their issues.
My RSS Feeds
Links to RSS Feeds, if you want to follow my entire blog, specific categories of writing or post types, here you can find other feeds that link back to me.
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