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Webmistress-Avery M.

I’m the webmistress~

I’m Avery, the one who primarily develops this site from day to day. My background is in radio technology, broadcast journalism, copy editing, sound and light production, digital education, and professional and technical writing. I have nearly a decade of experience in primarily local journalism environments, along with training other future technicians and students in audio production.

I’m 21, mixed Mexican/Hispano, a student, a trans butch lesbian—I consider myself of indeterminate gender and fluid in my outward expression. I use any pronouns, including various neopronouns, not in singularity and consistently. Do not use a singular set for simplicity or style guide adherence.

I’m a disabled artist, a writer and creative, I’ve been making art since I was very young, as live in a family of artists and will reference and promote their work from time to time. My particular areas of interest are digital art, non-oil based painting, papercraft, fiber works, jewelry making, and sculpting.

The first time I touched a computer I started to learn how to type and this is why I write so much. I tell stories and document experiences rich to me. I have certifications in HTML, CSS, and Javascript through university accreditation, however I am always learning, and consider myself a jack of all trades. I have a passion for understanding how to communicate using technology to others.

I hear noises others do not.
I am a member of a system, and with this, my drives may switch in and out from time to time, allowing for my crewmates to take a chance at the front and to write, below are their about notes, if you which to read them.

Quartermaster-Symphony L.

I’m Symphony. I think it’s cute I have the Quartermaster role, but I serve as our Co-Conductor as well. Where Avery is a lot more…vibrant, I consider myself to be a bit of a more subdued, soft and constructive member of our ensemble. Avery and I often work together in tandem, focusing on the more emotional and care oriented goals and communicative efforts we have with others.

On this site…I am around, even when I take the role as a ghostwriter by choice. I don’t need to make my presence known as much because Avery and I communicate more often. Occasionally, I’m sure I’ll offer my own musings and endeavors.

Now you see me, now you don’t. Hollis may be the custodian, but I do a lot of the cleaning up.

Custodian-Hollis G.