Blaseball: In Memoriam

Blaseball was an online live service baseball simulation game, with elements of RNG, team tragedy, and horror. Blaseball shuttered in 2023, however the game left a profound impact on my life. I began my experience with Blaseball around Seasons 10/11 privately, then joined the larger community upon the Expansion Era’s beginning. I belonged to the San Francisco Lovers, where I served as a community representative at the time, though I later shifted to the Mexico City Wild Wings.

Like any community experience online, Blaseball was filled with ups and downs, complicated emotions and hours of investment. With Blaseball’s absence for some time, I feel I’m finally ready to show off the culmination of much of my work related to it.

Included in this section is moments within the simulation and community culture I enjoyed, fanwork I produced (including all and some previously unreleased fic and artwork), community projects I supported and participated in, and anything else related to the game. I share all of this out of love, admiration, and remembrance for the good times I had with friends I’ve made for the rest of my life.

Blaseball made a profound impact on me, so I hope you will take the time to see some of it.

Fanfiction Archive

The following list contains all pieces of fanfic I’ve published, along with additional character and in game context, citations from the Blaseball Wiki and Before, along with links to other’s work that inspired me will be present here.

  • All
  • Atlantis Georgias
  • Baltimore Crabs
  • Blaseball Zine Jam
  • Canada Moist Talkers
  • Chicago Firefighters
  • Hawai’i Fridays
  • Mexico City Wild Wings
  • Miami Dale
  • Seattle Garages
  • Philly Pies

WIP Amnesty

Author’s Note: Hey! This piece of fic was written for the Blaseball Zine Jam 2022, and was for the collab zine Foreward [To Finish Later]. Please consider checking out the zine and the whole collection!This piece was inspired by a personal experience! I have always lived close to trains, and the Amtrak Southwest Chief route from Los Angeles to Chicago has always deeply fascinated me. I think the use of slower travel across the U.S. as symbolism for both Baby severing ties from xer life in San Francisco, and as a metaphor pulling them towards the call and the life…

Savor What’s Yours

Author’s Note: Hey! This piece of fic was written for the Blaseball Zine Jam 2022, and was for the collab zine To The Hall and Back: A Zine About Marriage, Divorce and Everything In Between. Please consider checking out the zine and the whole collection! They stare down the television. The tiny CRT sits on top of boxes and milk crates in the equipment shed. Usually, things wouldn’t be…this tense. The fear of the idol board isn’t unknown amongst the players in Hawai’i, but they’ve felt nothing like Don’s instant rise to stardom. The boss’ announcement comes, MVPs are awarded, and the…

Dinner Night

The smell of spices hits Adalberto’s nose when they get to the door. The apartment lights, sans the kitchen, are turned down low. Some sort of music fills the air between the smell of garlic. She said he was just going to pick up wine, cheese and bread, just like his husband asked, but got sidetracked by a few extra treats along the way. The corner market by their apartment was always too tempting, and Brock would definitely tease him for it later. He watches Brock sway to the quiet music, he looks focused, relaxed, and the sight makes Bertie feel warm. He sets…

Live Ash

Since joining the team, Kennedy hasn’t been a stranger to fire. He hadn’t been a stranger before of course, he’s worked with blow torches and forgers in his lab, but the sensation of a burning building is unlike anything else. When he joined the team, after Axel understandably went home, the decision to pair himself and José on the same shifts made sense. “It’s a comfort thing, trusting your crewmates is a big part of the job, and you two know each other.” This was very true. He trusted José deeply. Knowing that it was him he’d be with when the transfer to Chicago…

Remember Him

They stay in a group. This has been the case since they landed here. Of course, staying with the team is common, but almost everyone is in reach at a moment’s notice. And that’s where he finds himself now. Duffy–it’s Duffy sitting next to him, his back to the ever burning massive campfire that has sustained all of them. They stare at the starless sky, and Peanut Bong finds himself staring too. It feels weird. Being this close, he hasn’t seen him since shit–season 10? Not since the falling, not since the shadowing, not since the– Fuck. “Did you feel it?” He breaks the silence,…

Black Hole Home

It has been seven days, twenty two hours, and forty minutes since Brock left the apartment. Missions as a seeker take time, Josh knows this, and he knows he has to stay behind. Him and Burke keep up the house. There’s no point in streaming anymore, not here, not now, but the two of them occupy themselves with any number of things. Lately, Josh has been reading, laying on the couch with a stack he stole from one of Burke’s many, many bookshelves. If he’s being honest, the sheer amount of romance novels among the physics books and research articles is more…