In Stars and Time

Forums Community Discussion In Stars and Time

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    • #624 Reply
      svg+xml,%Csvg xmlns=Webmistress Ave

      This will be my thread for when I feel like posting about the RPG Nel and I have been playing together, In Stars and Time, which has absolutely captured my heart in terms of design, character and just spending time together with my love. I’ll be sure to properly spoil warn anything, but it’s just the perfect little RPG to me right now.

    • #629 Reply
      svg+xml,%Csvg xmlns=Webmistress Ave

      We have not beat the King

      We have stopped at the save point prior.

      I LOVE this game. I am amazed and stunned by this game. I, in our play through, have been voicing Mirabelle and Isabeau, while Nel is voicing Siffren, Odiel and Boniface, and as we’ve balanced the voice duty, I’ve greatly come to appreciate how balenced and equal the cast is. Every single character in this game has their place, their moments to shine, their moments of emotional exploration, moments of connection and individuality. The party of five feels equal, and the player as Siffren is just one fifth of that. I really love them all. A primarily adult cast, long into their adventure, hoping to well…save the world.

      I will eventially not keep this spoiler free, however for now, I need to say if you’re following along, Play the Game. Get introduced to the systems in this game and find yourself captivated by it. You’ll understand why I’m going wild about this game, and so is my wife.

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